lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016


Ismael PAJARES REDONDO                 
Mobile: 6¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤                       
Phone: 91¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤                        
Adress: C/ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Madrid               
Date of Birth: Madrid  19/09/1989  


2010-Present: 4th year (latest) Degree in Engineering Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives. ETSI Mines and Energy, Polytechnic University of Madrid.
2013-2014: Technical course in Financial Markets, (IEB), 40 hours.

English: TOEIC: Listening:  265/495; Reading:  300/495; Total:  565/990  Certificate B1 03/12/15. 
English course in Newcastle, July 2010.
French: Currently beginning studies.
    Computer Skills         
Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. Basic Excel On-Line course, Currently doing advance Excel On-Line course.
Web design and Programming: HTML, Matlab.
3D design: AutoCAD, Rhynoceros, Sketchup.
Other programs: Powerworld, Wasp, Ciclowin, Propagua, Aspen.


2014 to 2016              Giving private lesson to high school students (Physics, Mathematics y Chemistry).
Year 2014                  Company: Wok S.L.                   Position Title: Waiter.        

Summer 2008            Company: Carrefour S.A.          Position Title: Assistant Store.

Summer 2007            Company: Burger King S.A.      Position Title: Assistant Store.

Year 2007                  Company: Tema Marketing.       Position Title: Promoter.

Christmas 2006         Company: Profesional Staff.      Position Title: Paperboy.

Other Information

Read, play football in a amateur league, play my ukulele and dance salsa.

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